Armand Sağ
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- De demonstraties in Turkije (translation 'The demonstrations in Turkey')
(June 27, 2013)

- PKK-activiteiten in Nederland (translation 'The activities of the PKK in the Netherlands')
(September 6, 2012)

- Terugblik op Turkije over de 1ste helft van 2010 (translation 'Looking back on Turkey over the first half of 2010')
(July 1, 2010)

- Waarom de Armeense Kwestie? (translation 'Why the Armenian İssue?')
(June 18, 2010)

- Vooruitblik op Turkije over 2010 (translation 'Looking forward with Turkey in 2010')
(March 1, 2010)

- Terugblik op Turkije over 2009 (translation 'Looking back on Turkey in 2009')
(December 31, 2009)

- Turkije en Israël (translation 'Turkey and Israel')
(November 26, 2009)

- Koerden in Turkije (translation 'Kurds in Turkey')
(November 25, 2009)

- Aantal Turkse Koerden (translation 'The population of Turkish Kurds')
(May 6, 2009)

- De Gebeurtenissen van 1915 (translation 'The Events of 1915')
(April 2, 2009)

- De Armeense Kwestie (translation 'The Armenian Issue')
(January 1, 2009)

- Investeringen tussen Turkije-Nederland (translation 'Turkish-Dutch investments')
(October 8, 2008)

- Wilders & film
(March 1, 2008)

- The Turkish-Kurdish conflict
(February 1, 2008)

- Turken en Koerden (translation 'Turks and Kurds')
(January 23, 2008)

- Dienstplicht in Turkije (translation 'The Draft in Turkey')
(November 8, 2007)

- Morfosyntax van het Turks (translation 'The morfosyntax of Turkish')
(October 10, 2007)

- PKK in Nederland (translation 'The PKK in the Netherlands')
(September 27, 2007)

-"Türk toplumunun önder insanları olacağız" (translation 'We will be the leaders of the Turkish community')
(November 1, 2006)


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