Armand Sağ
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- Nelson Mandela terörist miydi? (translation 'Was Nelson Mandela a terrorist?')
(December 12, 2013)

- Geld maakt niet gelukkig, ook niet als je Turk bent (translation 'Money doesn't bring happiness, even when you're Turkish')
(November 19, 2013)

- De voortdurende onrust in Turkije (translation 'The continous unrest in Turkey')
(June 4, 2013)

- De commotie rondom Gezi Parkı in Turkije (translation 'The unrest surrounding Gezi Parkı in Turkey')
(June 2, 2013)

- Avrupa'dan Türk Bilim Dünyası'na bir bakış (translation 'An European view on the Turkish academic sector')
(November 15, 2012)

- Een demografisch overzicht van Zuidoost-Anatolië en Oost-Turkije (translation 'A demographic overview of Southeast Anatolia and Eastern Turkey')
(October 15, 2012)

- Dersim İsyanı mı? (translation 'The Dersim Revolt?')
(March 21, 2012)

- Het Turkse leger (translation 'The Turkish army')
(May 27, 2011)

- Islam in het Seldjoekse en Osmaanse Rijk (translation 'Islam in the Seljuk and Ottoman Empire')
(August 27, 2010)

- De ondergang van de Osmanen (translation 'The downfall of the Ottomans')
(August 26, 2010)

- Abdülhamit en de Osmaanse grondwet (translation 'Abdülhamit and the Ottoman constitution')
(August 25, 2010)

- Theodor Herzl (translation 'Theodor Herzl')
(August 24, 2010)

- Erdoğan, Hamas en İsraël (translation 'Erdoğan, Hamas and İsrael')
(August 23, 2010)

- Turks als wereldtaal (translation 'Turkish as a language of the world')
(June 15, 2010)

- Linguïstische ontwikkelingen (translation 'Linguistic developments')
(June 14, 2010)

- Koerdisch: taal of dialect? (translation 'Kurdish: language or dialect?')
(June 13, 2010)

- DNA-onderzoeken in Turkije (translation 'DNA-research in Turkey')
(June 12, 2010)

- Hoe kan het Koerdisch vraagstuk opgelost worden? (translation 'What is the solution for the Kurdish issue?')
(June 11, 2010)

- Griekenland is failliet (translation 'Greece is bankrupt')
(May 21, 2010)

- Barbaros Hayrettin Paşa (translation 'Barbaros Hayrettin Pasha')
(April 29, 2010)

- An Extraordinary Love
(March 29, 2010)

- Foutje, bedankt (translation 'My mistake, thanks')
(March 12, 2010)

- De ‘Armeense Genocide’-resolutie (translation 'The 'Armenian Genocide'-resolution')
(March 11, 2010)

- De politiefunctie van Turkije in de regio (translation 'The role of Turkey as a regional police')
(March 10, 2010)

- Opleving Armeense lobby (translation 'The revival of the Armenian lobby')
(March 9, 2010)

- Turks-Armeense verzoening (translation 'Turkish-Armenian reconciliation')
(January 30, 2010)

- Turkije tegen terreur (translation 'Turkey against terror')
(January 27, 2010)

- Boekestijntje (translation 'A Boekestijn-blunder')
(January 24, 2010)

- Türk-Ermeni araştırma komisyonu (translation 'The Turkish-Armenian research committee')
(January 14, 2010)

- De DTP en het vervolg (translation 'The DTP and beyond')
(December 23, 2009)

- Turks diplomatie (translation 'Turkish diplomacy')
(December 14, 2009)

- Türkiye'nin ekonomik süper güç olarak yükselişi (translation 'The rise of Turkey as an economic power')
(December 11, 2009)

- Medyanın iki yüzlülüğü (translation 'The twosided media')
(December 10, 2009)

- Türkiye'de karışıklık yaşanmakta (translation 'Turkey in chaos')
(December 9, 2009)

- Türkiye'nin Irak-Suriye-Lübnan ilişkileri (translation 'Turkey versus Syria-Lebanon-Iraq')
(December 8, 2009)

- Türkiye ve PKK Sorunu (translation 'Turkey and the PKK')
(December 7, 2009)

- Türkiye'nin Dış Politikası (translation 'Turkey's foreign policy')
(December 6, 2009)

- De Donkere Eeuwen van de islam (translation 'The Dark Ages of the islam')
(December 5, 2009)

- De Turks-Armeens onderzoekscommissie (translation 'The Turkish-Armenian research committee')
(December 4, 2009)

- Turkije herondekt haar geschiedenis (translation 'Turkey rediscovers her history')
(December 3, 2009)

- Het PKK-conflict (translation 'The PKK-conflict')
(December 2, 2009)

- Patstelling rondom Karabağ (translation 'Stalemate surrounding Karabağ')
(December 1, 2009)

- Turkije en de Europese Unie (translation 'Turkey and the European Union')
(November 30, 2009)

- Turkije en Nabucco (translation 'Turkey and Nabucco')
(November 29, 2009)

- Het Armeens-Azerbeidzjaans probleem (translation 'The Armenian-Azerbaijani problem')
(November 28, 2009)

- De Israëlische connectie (translation 'The Israeli connection')
(November 24, 2009)

- The Rise of Azerbaijan
(November 13, 2009)

- De opkomst van Turkije als economisch grootmacht (translation 'The rise of Turkey as an economic power')
(November 9, 2009)

- Tweeslacht in de media (translation 'The twosided media')
(November 5, 2009)

- Turkije in rep en roer (translation 'Turkey in chaos')
(November 2, 2009)

- Turkije versus Syrië-Libanon-Irak (translation 'Turkey versus Syria-Lebanon-Iraq')
(October 25, 2009)

- Turkije en de PKK (translation 'Turkey and the PKK')
(October 22, 2009)

- Turkije en Cyprus (translation 'Turkey and Cyprus')
(October 18, 2009)

- Het buitenlandse beleid van Turkije (translation 'Turkey's foreign policy')
(October 17, 2009)

- Een uitzonderlijke liefde (translation 'An Extraordinary Love')
(October 16, 2009)

- Turkije; bondgenoot van Syrië of Israël? (translation 'Turkey; ally of Syria or Israel?)
(October 15, 2009)

- De Eerste Wereldoorlog: Armeense Opstanden (translation 'World War One: Armenian Revolts')
(August 31, 2009)

- De Turkse erkenning van de Nederlanden (translation 'The Turkish recognition of the Netherlands')
(August 15, 2009)

- Het probleem van democratie (translation 'The problem of democracy')
(June 12, 2009)

- Nederland is ideaal (translation 'The Netherlands are ideal')
(June 11, 2009)

- De illusie van gelijkheid (translation 'The illusion of equality')
(June 8, 2009)

- Bill Gates en het probleem van windows (translation 'Bill Gates and the trouble with windows')
(June 7, 2009)

- Onderwijskunde: gelijkheid onder leerlingen (translation 'Education: Equality under students')
(June 6, 2009)

- Hoofddoek (translation 'Headscarf')
(June 5, 2009)

- Vahdettin ve Atatürk (translation 'Vahdettin and Ataturk')
(May 27, 2009)

- EU vs Rusland (translation 'EU vs Russia')
(May 20, 2009)

- Hervorming internationale organisatiers (translation 'Reforming international organisations')
(May 19, 2009)

- Het afschaffen van het Koninklijk Huis (translation 'The abolishment of the Royal House')
(May 18, 2009)

- De Cyprus Kwestie (translation 'The Cyprus Issue')
(May 17, 2009)

- Alevieten (translation 'Alevis')
(May 16, 2009)

- De éénwording van Europa (translation 'Europa's Integration')
(May 12, 2009)

- The secular thoughts of Turks in the Netherlands
(April 19, 2009)

- Türkiye Tarihi (translation 'The history of Turkey')
(April 10, 2009)

- De crash van Turkish Airlines (translation 'The Turkish Airlines-crash')
(March 16, 2009)

- Het diversiteitsbeleid van de Universiteit Utrecht (translation 'Utrecht University's diversity policy')
(March 12, 2009)

- Het integratiebeleid (translation 'The integrationpolicy')
(March 6, 2009)

- Carrière en een accent (translation 'Career and an accent')
(February 22, 2009)

- Haïti en de VS (translation 'Haiti and the United States of America')
(January 21, 2009)

- Turkse geschiedenis (translation 'Turkish history')
(January 19, 2009)

- Wet van gastvrijheid in Turkije (translation 'Turkey's hospitality law')
(January 18, 2009)

- Mammoet (translation 'Mammoth')
(January 17, 2009)

- Yemekteyiz (translation 'Come dine with me')
(January 16, 2009)

- The Lord of the Rings en de Turken (translation 'The Lord of the Rings and the Turks')
(January 15, 2009)

- De Turkse Islam (translation 'The Turkish Islam')
(January 14, 2009)

- Wereldsysteem en statenstelsel (translation 'World system and organizated states')
(January 13, 2009)

- Perspectief (translation 'Perspective')
(January 12, 2009)

- Leftwing journalists in Turkey
(January 11, 2009)

- Nederland en de oliecrisis van 1973 (translation 'The Netherlands and the oil crisis of 1973')
(January 8, 2009)

- Argentinië en Nederland in 1978 (translation 'Argentina and the Netherlands in 1978')
(December 18, 2008)

- Nederlandse solidariteit met Cuba (translation 'Dutch solidarity with Cuba')
(December 4, 2008)

- De Nederlandse annexatie van Duitsland (translation 'The Dutch annexation of Germany')
(November 19, 2008)

- Doodstraf in de Koran (translation 'Death penalty in the Kuran')
(October 11, 2008)

- Ergenekon
(September 14, 2008)

- Watergeuzen en Osmanen (translation 'The Dutch Sailers and the Ottomans')
(August 29, 2008)

- Democratie? (translation 'Democracy?')
(July 19, 2008)

- Turk en Nederlander (translation 'Turkish and Dutch')
(April 14, 2008)

- Turkse Taalhervorming (translation 'The reform of the Turkish language')
(March 11, 2008)

- Osmaans-Turkse secularisatie (translation 'Ottoman-Turkish secularization')
(February 14, 2008)

- De achterkant van İnternationale Betrekkingen (translation 'Backroom diplomacy in International Relations')
(January 21, 2008)

- De Eerste Wereldoorlog en het Osmaanse Rijk (translation 'The First World War and the Ottoman Empire')
(January 19, 2008)

- Hollanda'daki Türkler (translation 'The Turks in the Netherlands')
(January 15, 2008)

- Christelijke West-Europa in de Middeleeuwen (translation 'Christian West-Europe in the Middle Ages')
(December 8, 2007)

- Bevolkingsaantallen in Zuidoost-Turkije (translation 'The population of Southeast-Turkey')
(November 5, 2007)

- Vroegmiddeleeuwse christendom (translation 'Early Middle Aged christianity')
(November 3, 2007)

- Geschiedenis & historici (translation 'History and historians')
(October 18, 2007)

- Het christelijk geloof in de Middeleeuwen (translation 'The christian religion in the Middle Ages')
(October 13, 2007)

- Fethullah Gülen
(September 24, 2007)

- "Turk" als scheldwoord (translation '"Turk" as a swear word')
(February 17, 2007)

- Osmanlı Yönetiminde Fas (translation 'Marocco under Ottoman Rule')
(February 13, 2007)

- Dizi Kültürü (translation 'The Soap Opera-culture')
(January 28, 2007)

- The White Man's Burden, of plicht? (translation 'The White Man's burden, or duty?')
(December 22, 2006)

- Geweld in de islam (translation 'Violence in the islam')
(October 17, 2006)

- Ermeni Meselesi - özet (translation 'The Armenian İssue - a summary')
(June 11, 2006)

- Armeense Kwestie - uitleg (translation 'The Armenian İssue - an explanation')
(June 10, 2006)

- Turkije: Euro of Avro? (translation 'Turkey: Euro or Avro?')
(March 29, 2006)

- Cultureel Erfgoed in Turkije: Anıtkabir (translation 'Cultural heritage in Turkey: Anıtkabir')
(January 8, 2006)

- The Ottoman Empire and Early Modern Europe
(December 5, 2005)

- Türkiye ve AB (translation 'Turkey and the EU')
(November 26, 2005)

- Het Ancient Regime (translation 'The Ancient Regime')
(June 8, 2005)

- De Verenigde Staten in de 21ste eeuw (translation 'The United States in the 21st century')
(May 20, 2005)

- De Pruisische koning Frederick Wilhelm I (translation 'The Prussian king Frederick Wilhelm I')
(May 19, 2005)

- De crisis van de 17e eeuw (translation ' The crisis of the 17th century')
(March 24, 2005)

- Herman Pottey en de 16e eeuw (translation 'Herman Pottey and the 16th century')
(March 2, 2005)

- Het centrale probleem van het Karolingische Rijk (translation 'The central problem of the Carolingian Empire')
(December 23, 2004)

- Onderwijskunde: Puberteitspsychologie & culturele verschillen (translation 'Education: Adolescence psychology & cultural differences')
(September 25, 2003)


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