Armand Sağ
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- Masterexamen/doctoraal (translation 'Master's Examination')
(August 10, 2009)
- [download pdf-version]

- Masterscriptie: De opkomende internationale betrekkingen tussen Nederland en Turkije (translation 'Master thesis: The emerging international relations between the Netherlands and Turkey')
(July 28, 2009)
- [download pdf-version]

- Diplomatie tussen Turkije, Azerbeidzjan en Armenië (translation 'Diplomacy between Turkey, Azerbaijan and Armenia')
(January 30, 2009)

- De ontwikkeling van soevereiniteit; Europese interventie in het Osmaanse Rijk (translation 'The development of sovereignty; European Intervention in the Ottoman Empire')
(October 21, 2008)

- Imperialisme en de Osmanen (translation 'Imperialism and the Ottomans')
(March 20, 2008)

- Bachelorscriptie: drie essays over Turkse Geschiedenis (translation 'Bachelor thesis: three essays about Turkish History')
(February 1, 2008)
- [download pdf-version]

- Oorlog en Vrede in het Osmaanse Rijk: de Janitsaren van 1425 tot 1550 (translation 'War and peace in the Ottoman Empire: the Janissaries from 1425 until 1550')
(June 14, 2007)

- De Hunnen, Hongaren en Turken (translation 'The Huns, the Hongarians and the Turks')
(February 28, 2007)

- Regime Change door de Jong Turken in het Osmaanse Rijk in 1908 (translation 'Regime Change in the Ottoman Empire in 1908 by the Young Turks')
(June 1, 2006)

- Terrorisme en de Koerden in Turkije (translation 'Terror and the Kurds')
(February 15, 2005)

- Scheiding godsdienst en staat in Turkije (translation 'Secularity in Turkey')
(October 9, 2004)

- Israël-Palestina & WO I (translation ' İsrael-Palestine and WO I')
(June 25, 2004)

- Soennieten en Sjiieten (translation 'Sunnis and Shias')
(May 17, 2004)

- De Osmaanse economie in de 19e eeuw (translation 'The Ottoman economy in the 19th century')
(April 22, 2004)

- Het Brugse stadsbestuur in 1250-1350 (translation 'The city counsel of Brugge in 1250-1350')
(March 1, 2004)

- Historisch Utrecht (translation 'Historical Utrecht')
(October 9, 2003)

- De Utrechtse wijk Lombok (translation 'Lombok, a neighbourhood in Utrecht')
(February 4, 2003)


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