Armand Sağ
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Academic background
Drs. Armand Sag was born in the year 1984 in the Dutch city Utrecht. In 2004, while attending the University of Utrecht, he finished his Teacher College: History and State Apparatus propaedeutics 'with great honor'. He graduated from Utrecht University with a bachelor History 'with honor' and a minor Turkology 'with highest honor' in 2008. His bachelor thesis was about the Janissaries in the Ottoman Empire from 1425 until 1550. He received his master's degree in International Relations with the international 'upper class'-grade average at Utrecht University in 2009. His master thesis dealt with the emerging international relations between the Netherlands and Turkey from 1612 onwards, thus making his specialization Turkish History.

Career in science
In 2010, at the age of 25, Armand Sag founded the Institute for Turkish Studies, where he is currently working as chairman and senior researcher. As senior researcher, he focuses mainly on issues around Turkology, Turkish history and international relations of Eurasia (specifically: the Balkans, Caucasus, Central Asia, the Middle East and the Turkish-Dutch relations). Within the institute, he is the founding editor-in-chief of the academic journal 'International Review of Turkish Studies', which is published by the Institute for Turkish Studies. He is currently also a Ph.D.-fellow, earning his Ph.D. in history in the field of the Ottoman Balkans during the period of 1908 until 1923, more specifically the Balkan Wars of 1912-1913. Prior to this, Armand Sag was working as a historian at a Turkish history museum called 'Museum Turkey - The Netherlands' in the city Hoorn, the Netherlands from 2008 until 2010. In addition, Armand Sag regularly gave classes at Utrecht University during his master's study due to his academic career ambitions.

In December of 2010 he completed his first book, 'History and more; reflections of a historian' [the original title is: 'Historie en meer; overpeinzingen van een historicus'] which was published by Utopi Press on April 22nd, 2011. The book is currently on sale at all major bookstores in the Netherlands as well as on online internet bookshops, including the biggest online bookshop of the Netherlands: the well-known Dutch website. His second book is 'Revolutions in the Middle East: Perception and Consequences' [the original title is: 'Omwentelingen in het Midden-Oosten: Perceptie en Gevolgen'], edited by historian Dr. Perry Pierik and published by Aspekt Publishers on May 22nd, 2012. Besides Armand Sag, who submitted his contribution to the editorial book in December 2011, authors consist of former Belgian prime minister Guy Verhofstadt, former Dutch prime minister Dries van Agt, former Dutch minister Laurens Jan Brinkhorst and Turkey expert Maurice Becker. The book is available in all major bookstores throughout the Netherlands, including His third book 'Learning Grammar of Turkey-Turkish' [the original title is: 'Leergrammatica van het Turkije-Turks'] came out on October 1st, 2013 and is currently used by various Dutch universities. The book is available throughout the Netherlands. His fourth book 'Nation-building and historiography in modern Turkey: Anatolia, the Balkan and geographical emphasis' is also his first English-written book. It was published on December 24th, 2015 and is available in all major bookstores. His fifth book was the editorial book 'Erdoğan: Perceptie, Reflectie, Analyse [the original title is: 'Erdoğan: Perception, Reflection, Analysis'] (Uitgeverij Aspekt, 2017). To see a more complete list of his academic publications, click here.

Drs. Armand Sag was affiliated with the Municipality of Utrecht ['Gemeente Utrecht' in Dutch] as a board member of Saluti: Urban Advisory Board for Interculturalization ['Saluti: Stedelijk Adviesorgaan Interculturalisatie' in Dutch] from 2011 until 2014. He also has a weekly column in Turkish called 'Contemporary Europe' ['Avrupa Gündemi' in Turkish] for the Academy for International Politics ['Uluslararasi Politika Akademisi' in Turkish]. He also has a monthly Dutch column called 'My thoughts' [or 'Mijn overpeinzingen' in Dutch] in Platform Magazine. Furthermore, he writes articles on international relations for the news portal Alles In [or 'Everything In Perspective'], where he also worked as the editor-in-chief from 2010 until 2012.



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